
Things are a bit later this morning because Thysje and I have had to watch the Americas Cup racing recorded from last night. We love it.

Yesterday was interesting in the fact we started off with a gusty NW / SW direction which stayed predominantly correct to what the course was set to. Our race committee was Mike Inns and Chris Greer and they did a very good job in handling the tricky conditions. Fortunately the wind eased as the day progressed but I think we all experienced a broach or two. My commiserations go out to Glen who for once experienced more disablements than I did, tsk, tsk. There was still a high level of rules breaches but thankfully no arguments so our behaviour stakes are still unbroken for a long while. The race committee set a 2 lap trapezoid course with a suitably long start line for the mass start and I thought the course was excellent, so now it is time to extol our podium finishers. Well done Graham Parratt, Dayele Hobson and Chris Stricker, you are the champions.

Last week I explained in writing the rules about the RRS correct way of getting room to tack out of a continuing obstruction, in our case the lake shore, well yesterday there were numerous incidents concerning this, with numerous hails called but I heard only 2 correct hails They were from Ron Campbell and myself, the rest of you would not have won a protest / arbitration hearing.