Greetings members,
Today was hot, very light wind, and finished just as the rain started, well done Cliff. Some of the heats were taking 32 minutes to complete the 2 laps, however in such conditions congratulations to Roy, Chris and Barry for reaching podium status…….but….it is of great sadness and concern to me that 2 EC12’s fluked the top spots mutter, mutter, grrr better luck next time cJ’s.
The course Cliff set was 2 laps of windward/leeward legs with gates either end, and lo and behold there were few if any head on crashes, however Cliff did report that weed is very prolific in the lake plus we have contamination signs around the lake, an unknown phenomena, but I’ll bet the EC12s have something to do with it.
We had another good behaviour day…well done.
Tom A sailing master