The EC12 Class is a one design class meaning all boats must meet certain measurement requirements relating to hulls, sails and waterline length. The boats themselves have a very strong presence on the water being very visible at 1.5m in length and sailing a 1.8m height rig.. By being a one design class this very much helps keep the cost of competing down resulting in an very even performance from all boats and results in good on the water decision making achieving the results. Whilst every skipper wants to win you will always find a number who are willing to pass on knowledge and generally help. The Christchurch Model Yacht Club has a growing number of EC12’s amongst its members and in addition to normal mixed class club sailing days have an EC12 only day of sailing on Lake Victoria this being the 1st Sunday of each month commencing at 10.30am. This is an informal time of sailing but it is one where we are able to compare both our boats and more importantly ourselves against others. So come on down and view these “Rolls Royces” of the radio controlled sailing world you will not be disappointed.
Rod Liddy
EC12 National Association Webpage