Greetings All,

After some beautifully warm sailing days, today was rather fresh windwise, and cloudy and cold, but as the day progressed the wind eased nicely. Our RO was Russell Wenham assisted by Al Ross and they set a 2 lap windward/ leeward course with gates each end……and Russell had a demarcation area on the start line with disqualification for breaches of it…..I’m not sure if anyone transgressed, but a I think a couple may have. It was a big fleet at 24 boats and the race committee wisely used the 3 separate starts of the 1,2,3 starting system which made it manageable. Congratulations to our podium placers, Graham Parratt, Ron Bedyn and Glen Church. I must be quick here because dinner is almost ready, but I must mention that Polly has upped the social stakes for yachts persons….. his wife and he are off to a high class ballet performance to night, I can’t wait to hear his opinion of this entertainment….it is a bit different from rugby. Cheers. Tom A