greetings members,

We couldn’t fault todays weather, breeze or cup of tea and biscuits aplenty. Ralph Biggs was RO assisted by Dayele Hobson, and of course the organisation and pursuance of the same was faultless. We had 17 entrants and all were well behaved, I saw several boats hit marks but none that were not exonerated, good news. Anzan’s transmitter refused to work before racing so Dayele lent her 229….which she liked and sailed well, but team red were never going to beat team yellow in a 100 years, and I categorically state, if 146 had not broken down, team yellow would have been first with a score of 7 points…….so put that in your pipe and smoke it Glen Church. However, as sailing master I must congratulate our race committee and teams white, green and purple for reaching podiomatic exaltation.