Yesterday was lovely sailing with the wind direction in its best possible direction for our lake. Bob Torrie was RO and I was assistant, I must mention we had an enjoyable time watching you all racing…….and there wasn’t any recalls all day…….congratulations sailors…….nor were there any scenes of aggravation.
After a well-attended working bee in the morning the sailors had a leisurely lunch in the sun before racing. Bob set a trapezoid course, 2 laps and we had at least one comment how well it was working out. The starts were in 2 separate fleets, 60 seconds apart, which changed after each heat. The current standard of the sailors has improved so much that from the compacted finishing positions I could not pick a winner until I saw the results, so, congratulations podium placers, Polly, Ron and Chris.
You will note heat 8 has a line of DNF’s for the whole fleet, just as the first boats were approaching the finish line, the computer battery went flat and the race committee were faced with a black screen, however that cool race committee smoothly stepped into emergency mode and rectified the disaster by announcing a heat abandonment. Fortunately, all the rest of the results were untouched when we put the computer back on charge.