The RO was Bob Torrie assisted by me. Bob set a 2 lap trapezoid course which worked out well and the wind was a good strength but rather shifty. The fleet was split into 2 separate starts. Bob and I were quite impressed at the closeness of the fleet and the rise in standard, and of course we had our private discourse of the sailing tactics, which, if we were sailing we would have been on the podium without a doubt. We could discern no speed differences between the top boats in these results.

There were several altercations and heated complaints but none exceeded the good behaviour stakes and no protests were lodged. We congratulate Graham, Derek and Cliff for their fine performances.

Now a note to J’s in the CJCOA and EC12’s. Your annual match race event is on Sunday April 30. The NOR and SI’s are about to appear on the CJCOA website.