Greetings CMYC members,
Attached are the results of the CMYC EC12 Championships. After the cold wet spell we have had, the weather played ball today. While setting gear up we had no wind, but before the start it came in a nice Nor Easter and the course did not have to be altered all day. The RO was Rodney Ford and his quiet authorative character made for a very pleasant day for all competitors. I was assist RO. Here are some of the things that spring to mind from the day.
1 The sailing was a high standard and often the fleets were close.
2 It was close enough that I couldn’t pick a winner until I saw the results.
3 Both Glen’s second placings were on track for firsts, but he got pipped at the finish line….just……tsk tsk.
4 At lunch time Jackie Torrie supplied a whole big tin full of delicious cake……please give her our thanks Bob.
5 The sailors were very good in RRS observance.
6 Roy’s rudder failed in the first heat, but after a makeshift repair, was working but stuck a way off centre.
7 The thousands upon thousands of young people coming into the park for some kind of music festival. The young women were very scantily dressed with no other warm clothing. Hypothermia for them tonight.
8 Last but not least was the tremendous volume of the bands all afternoon. The bands were very good but none of us recognised any of their songs. An investment in a hearing aid business would be good because all the band members and audience will be deaf by tonight.
So congratulations to the winner Daniel, and Bruce and Clyde for getting on the podium.
As a reminder of EC12 events I know of, here they are: Sunday April 30 – Annual EC12 v cJ match racing. This is the year the EC12’s fall off their very shaky perch. May 13 -14 EC12 Nationals at CMYC.
Cheers Tom A