Greetings members,

Yesterday’s weather was one out of the box, warm, sunny, gentle breezes, lovely sailing conditions. The RO was Glen Church assisted by Russell Wenham and they did a fine job……on paper as the computer is still getting fixed.  The course was a 3 lap triangle  and with the EC12 SI champs looming we had a lovely  (if they can be called that) fleet of EC’s. I should point out with great exuberance that Chris Koskela (EC9) laid down a challenge to J150 for the days racing….. look at the results tsk, tsk, need I say more? Before racing Cliff was spotted polishing EC152 with a battery powered polisher, I thus announce that EC152 is awarded the exaltation of being the cleanest boat in yesterday’s fleet.

There were some instances of dispute which threatened our many months long good behaviour record but I don’t think they quite breached the wall.  

RRS RULES  Congratulations to CMYCers, because I now hear more correct protest hails than the old “you owe me a penalty”. But a hail I have heard numerous times of late needs some standardisation for our edification on what the hailer is expecting to happen. Currently hails made under rule 20 – ROOM TO TACK AT AN OBSTRUCTION include phrases like “tacking for water”, “room”, “room to tack”, “sea room” etc. Happily I have not heard utterances like “clear off mate”. If this situation came before a protest committee, the protestee could well argue that he didn’t know what the protestor was hailing about so ignored it. Here is what the RRS specifies must be hailed. Appendix E Rule E1.3 (b). Hails under rules 20.1 and 20.3 shall include the words ‘room’ and ‘tack’ and the sail number of the hailing boat, in any order.

Tom Arthur – SM