Greetings all,

May 28 RO is Bob Auton assisted by Glen Church. Bob already has the key.
June 4 RO is Mike Inns assisted by Ian Scott at L. Rua.
June 11 This day has been a problem with the RO deceased and the assistant resigning from the club. Al Ross has stepped up as RO, do we have a volunteer for assistant please?

Now for yesterday’s racing, what can I say? Obviously from my dismal performance the less said about J 150 the better, but as the saying goes “look for the silver lining” and J 150 did triumph over J 276 once, so it is not all doom.

The weather was generally light, except for a couple of short blasts, but very shifty and showed in a good light the sailors that managed to read the conditions well. I won’t mention that the visa versa also applied. Our race officer Andy was ably assisted by Tom Wilda and Caper, they set a course with a gate at the bottom of the leg.  What I liked, was that the gate marks were set suitably close together which cut down the luck factor in gate mark choice. Caper excelled in a swimming display whilst setting out the marks, and a barking display from the inflatable whilst retrieving them, he was one of the days highlights. Thanks to the sailors for their good behaviour, thanks to the RO’s for their professional administration, and congratulations to Roy, Polly and Mike for their exemplary performances. I should mention that during the briefing, Andy gave a historical rundown on the races namesake, Simon Ballantyne. I am sure you won’t mind if I quote this fascinating speech, so full of information to members who never knew Simon. Quote; “Today the race is the Simon Ballantyne Memorial, Simon spent a week up a tree”. Fascinating speech Andy.

Cheers. Tom A. SM