Hi CMYC members, Yesterdays sailing at L. Rua was an interesting experience for me because we had a fleet of six DF95 boats joining us, unfortunately 2 never registered so won’t be in the results. During the briefing I intimated if necessary, we would handicap the different fleets, but the DF95’s were so close to the cJ’s it was not necessary.

Doug Parker and I were the RO’s and ably assisted by Cindy Arthur, who was in charge of mark laying, course relaying and mark retrieval. So the fleet was;  9 x cJ’s, 1 x IOM, 4 official DF95’s & 2 unofficial DF95’s who only sailed a few heats. It was good to welcome those visitors from the PRSC.

After surmounting the road potholes we were ready to start. The wind was light for the first few heats but settled into a lovely 6 knot breeze and this was when the DF95’s came into their stride.

There were no arguments, which was great, several unexonerated rules breaches, not so great, so I would remind sailors that the ROs have a grandstand view of sailing and we noted those breaches. Congratulations to Al Ross who withdrew from 1 heat after a breach.

The attached results are from old fashioned paper copy and old fashioned brain computing, not a computer in sight…..but oh such a long time to colate.

Next week’s ROs are; Ralph Biggs RO, and Andy Allison & Caper as assistants.

Cheers, Tom