CMYC Working within the COVID 19 Protection Framework.
Guidelines for sailing during the Pandemic. 6 April 2022
First and foremost, please make your own decisions about sailing, regarding risk to yourself and others. Beginning from the next sailing meet:
• Sailing can proceed regardless of Red, Orange, or Green traffic light status,
• Members must be vaccinated • Members should stay home if unwell
• Guests or general public are not to enter the clubhouse, except by invitation of a member.
• Only limited chairs to be put out, to prevent public using them.
• Members must respect others who wish to maintain physical distancing
• Members must advise a committee member immediately if they have had a positive test. It is probable that this will occur at some time, and we feel that there should be no stigma should this occur. As such transparency in such an event would be encouraged, so members can take action regarding tests etc. However, please note that if requested, confidentiality will be respected.
• All members are required to confirm their vaccination status on the Members Emergency Contact List held in the clubhouse, by entering YES and the members vaccination expiry date in the appropriate columns.
• If you wish, you can advise any committee member by any means, with proof of vaccination status and expiry date.
• Members’ ages will also be added, from the database. This (and the vaccination status) is to assist Emergency Services if they are required. The Committee will comply with Government rules and guidelines when deciding if sailing should be cancelled. In the case of a member discovering they have tested positive, they should not return to club activities until the government’s required isolation period has elapsed, and they have fully recovered from the virus.